

第三節 我國法律法規的宏觀結構







中華人民共和國執業醫師法:Law on Licensed Doctors of the People’s Republic of China

中華人民共和國專屬經濟區和大陸架法:Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf

出口食品生產企業衛生註冊登記管理規定:Regulation on administration of sanitary registration and enrollment for establishment of food for export

Measures of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China Concerning the Administration of the Goods,Means of Transport,and Articles Carried by Individuals to be Brought into or out of the Bonded Area of Outer Gaoqiao in Shanghai[51]/Procedures of Customs of the People’s Republic of China for the Control over the Goods,Means of Transport and Personal Articles Entering or Leaving the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone[52].[53]

價格違法行為行政處罰規定:Provisions on the Administrative Punishment of Pricerelated Violation

無線電管制規定:Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on the Control of Radio


(2)語法錯誤。漏掉冠詞的情形比較多;單複數形式混亂;在譯文中常使用“regulation for/on..”這一結構,且其中介詞的使用也不乏欠妥之處。

例1 Regulation of the PRC for Controlling the Registration of Enterprises as Legal Persons Interim Provisions on Guiding Foreign Investment Direction

在例1中,for與on實為多餘,因Controlling與Guiding這兩個分詞形式可用作定語,從《建立世界知識產權組織公約》的英文名Convention Establishing WIPO就可見一斑。此外,regulation未使用複數形式。

例2 音像製品管理條例:Regulations on Administration of Audio-Visual Products.

技術引進合同管理條例:Regulations on Administration of Technology-Introduction Contracts.

中外合資經營企業合營期限暫行規定:Interim Provisions ConcerningContract Period of Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures

例2中的三個句子中都未在畫線詞前使用定冠詞the,若將on改成for,則更為地道,參考Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property和Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works的表述就可見一斑。



上海市人民政府辦公廳關於轉發市水務局等三部門關於深化本市鄉鎮水務管理體制改革意見的通知:Notice of the General Office of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government on Transmitting the Suggestions on Deepening Institutional Reform of Town/Township Water Affairs Administration of This Municipality Made by Shanghai Water Authority and Two other Departments




國務院關於擴大沿海經濟開放區範圍的通知:Circular of the State Council Concerning the Expansion of the Scope of the Coastal Economic Open Zones

中華人民共和國海關對沿海開放地區進出境貨物的管理規定Provisions of the customs of the People’s Republic of China for the control of the goods entering and leaving the coastal openingcities and areas

本例中的“沿海經濟開放區”有“Coastal opening cities and areas”和“Coastal Economic Development Zones”兩種譯法,加上“Open Coastal Cities”和“Coastal Economic Open Zones”,[54]幾種表述法莫衷一是,有損法規的嚴謹性,同時也增加了查找難度。在前面《中華人民共和國海關對進出上海外高橋保稅區貨物、運輸工具和個人攜帶物品的管理辦法》也有兩個相去甚遠的譯文,必定讓讀者認為是兩部法規。





在英美法系中,law泛指法律,以law作為法律名稱的情況,即便“The Australian Family Law Act 1975”、英國的“Criminal law Act 1967”、我國香港特區的“Family Law Reform Act 1995”中都有“law”,但其在該各結構中作定語,而不是中心詞。[60]Act指由議會或國會制定的法律,[61]一般用於法規的名稱中,如US Energy Policy Act of 2005。從效力而言,Act主要用於基本法,而對於其他的非基本法,常用其他詞如Regulations,ordinance,rule或decision等表達。Regulations是由受認可的行政機構頒佈的對法律進行解釋和補充的文件,而且一般都使用複數形式,如Tamper-resistant packaging Regulations(《反篡改包裝規章或規定》)。從語義層面而言,procedures和provision指具體的程序、條款或規定,並不用作法律法規的名稱或表示規範性文件。


表7-1 法律術語



[63]在我國香港特區,“條例”一般譯為ordinance,而將Act譯為“法令”。在英美法系中,Ordinance和regulations可交替使用,參見美國環境保護條例的條款〔27.3(455B)Ordinance or regulations〕(參見:http://www.epa.Gov/region7/air/rules/iowa/567-2703.pdf);在立法中也有兩個法律名稱用的情況,如ZoningOrdinance(City of Kaufman,Texas,Adopted March 19,2007,Ordinance No.O-02-07)和Zoning Regulations(Town of Coventry)。再如,Anguilla法律中的Companies Regulations就是依據該國的Companies Act而制定的(These Regulations are enabled under section 268of the Companies Act,I.R.S.A.c.1.)

[64]Bylaws為地方性立法,參見:Site Alteration By-law(C.P.-1363-381-Consolidated May 1,2012)of the Council of the City of London,Ontario,Canada.This by-law is printed under and by authority;並參見布萊克法律詞典的解釋。

[65]如《最高人民法院關於貫徹執行<中華人民共和國民法通則>若干問題的意見》的中國版和美國版都是用的是“Opinions of..”,與英美法系的dissenting opinion和concurring opinion中的opinion意思相似。




a one court entry system

a new case flow management system

leave entitlements

a new in-court arbitration system

the new small claims arbitration limit

英語中的複合名詞的結構是後構式(constructed backward),在閱讀上述例子時應先將冠詞、第一個形容詞、最後的名詞搭配,以此類推。上述表述可理解為:

a system of entry through one court;

a new system of management of the flow of case(s);

entitlements to leave;

a new limit for the arbitration of small claims;

the new system of arbitration in-court

體現在法律法規名稱(short title)的表達結構上,即常採用“n1+n2(+n…n)+Act/Ordinance/Regulations/Order/Rule,etc.”模式。例如:

Food Export(FDA)Regulations(加拿大)

Crown Attorneys Act(加拿大)

Commonwealth’s Attorneys Act(Kentucky和Virginia州)

Real Property Attorneys Act,Public Attorneys Act(美國猶他州)

Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf Act(1998)(美國)

Territorial Sea,Contiguous Zone,Exclusive Economic and Fishery Zones Act(Dominica)

Children and Young Persons(Care and Protection)Act 1998(NSW)

Protection of Children(Scotland)Act 2003

Children and Young Persons(Protection from Tobacco)Act 1991

Veterinary Drug Evaluation Fees Regulations


令人遺憾的是,中文的法律名稱儘管也表達為名詞作定語的偏正結構,如“貿易合同、部門法、公司法、檢察官法”等,但在法規名稱的英譯時,漢語的“名詞+名詞”結構並未對譯者產生影響,官方的英譯本中卻大量使用“Law/regulation/decision on/of+主題詞…of PRC”的表達結構。不妨援用英文的n1+n2…結構模式,將上述譯例修改如下:

Law on Licensed Doctors of the People’s Republic of China(《中華人民共和國執業醫師法》)─→Licensed Doctors Act of PRC

Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf(《中華人民共和國專屬經濟區和大陸架法》)─→Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf ACT of PRC

Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone(《中華人民共和國領海及毗連區法》)─→Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Act of PRC

《中華人民共和國法官法》─→Judges Act of the PRC;

《中華人民共和國檢察官法》─→Public Procurators Act of the PRC;

《獸藥管理條例》(Regulations on Administration of Veterinary Drugs)─→Veterinary Drugs Regulations(因regulation就包含管理之意,故沒有必要再使用administration);

Regulation on administration of sanitary registration and enrollment for establishment of food for export ─→Food export sanitary registration Regulations(原譯文未使用複數形式);

《兒童福利法》(Act on the Protection of Children)─→Children Protection Act。





Martin’s Anticruelty→─Act《反殘酷法》,因該法的目的是禁止殘酷待人

Protection→─from Harassment Act《防止騷擾法》

No Electronic Theft Act(NET Act)(→─1997《反電子盜竊法》

Collections of Information Antipiracy→─Act《信息彙集反仿冒法》


Theft Act//Riot Act//Defamation Act//Immorality Act//Bubble Act//Competition and Fair Trading Act(1990)(Italy).

如果按照字面意思進行翻譯,這些法律可分別譯為《盜竊法》《暴動法》《誹謗法》《不道德法》和《詐騙法》。但是,應注意,上述的立法的目的和宗旨是防止和懲治這些犯罪行為,故在翻譯時應添加一些表示立法宗旨的詞彙,如“反對、嚴禁、懲治”等。就“N1+N2”這種結構而言,其主要意思就是“某人(事)在何時/何地/以某種方式/做何事或具有何種功能”。[64]因此,Riot Act當然應譯為《防止暴亂法》;Bubble Act乃是英國於1719年通過的旨在取締“非法”商業活動,即“在未經議會或國王授權的情況下,成立像公司實體那樣的聯合體,並使其份額可轉移和讓渡”,故不妨譯為《防止泡沫法》;Immorality Act是南非實行種族隔離的立法中的一部,其宗旨是禁止在白人和黑人之間存在任何性關係以維護白人的特權地位,故可將其譯為《背德法》或《禁止異族間通婚和性行為法》。類似地,Theft Act可譯為《反盜竊法》或《懲治盜竊犯罪法》,

Defamation Act則可譯為《懲治誹謗罪法》。而Competition and Fair Trading Act的目的是為了維護正當的競爭,反對壟斷,故可譯為《競爭法》或《反不當競爭法》等。在法律法規英譯時,也應考慮該因素而作相應調整。



《最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院關於辦理妨害武裝部隊制式服裝、車輛號牌管理秩序等刑事案件具體應用法律若干問題的解釋→─》Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Handling of Criminal Cases about Disrupting the Order of Management of Uniforms and Vehicle License Plates of Armed Forces(2011)

《中國銀監會辦公廳關於印發〈銀監局開展客戶風險信息共享工作指導意見〉的通知→─》Notice of the General Office of the China Banking Regulatory Commission on Issuing the Guiding Opinions on the Sharing of Client Risk Information of Local CBRC Offices(2008)

而英美法系中的類似法律文件常以調整事項(subject matter)分類,便於查找。以《美國食品藥品管理局食品安全和應用營養中心關於膳食補充劑健康和教育法(1994)》為例:

U.S.Food and Drug Administration

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition December 1,1995


該例乃是根據發佈機構的大小進行排列,其內容也單列並採用特定方式以示突出(即全大寫),在援引時一般只引用其核心內容“DIETARY SUPPLEMENT HEALTH AND EDUCATION ACT OF 1994”而省略其發佈者,結構和內容一目瞭然。再如

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release September 09,2011

Executive Order-Developing an Integrated Strategic

Counterterrorism Communications Initiative

該名稱在表述上也是首先列出其發佈機構(依次從大到小排列),而後列明發布日期,最後列出具體內容。再如,美國聯邦航空航天局(the FAA,Federal Aviation Administration)發佈的Unmanned Aircraft Operations Notice亦採納了類似的結構模式[65]



       Air Traffic Organization Policy上述譯例對法規名稱的英譯有一定的指導意義。例如,《最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院關於辦理妨害武裝部隊制式服裝、車輛號牌管理秩序等刑事案件具體應用法律若干問題的解釋》可改譯為:

The Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate




China Banking Regulatory Commission

General Office,2008





在Legislative Section Headings:Drafting Techniques,Plain Language,and Redundancy一文中,Nick Horn對英文條款名稱的意義和功能做了概述:

“How do legislative section headings work?They are presumed to help readers of legislation find what they need to know faster,and understand it more easily when they find it.This paper sets out some rules and techniques that drafters can use to maximize the(presumed)effectiveness of section headings.The distinction between the effect of section headings on access to the law by primary users,and their effect—or lack of it—on the meaning of the law for official interpreters,is questioned..Three modes of operation are distinguished:vertical(descriptive),horizontal(structural),and a third dimension in which section headings are framed as questions.In the horizontal mode,one particular type of section heading,the‘divided heading’,is discussed in detail...”[66]



2.3Board of directors:Appointment.

2.4Board of directors:Term of office.

2.5Board of directors:Duties.



2.6Filing complaints;time limits;action by the Board.


第三,條款名稱只能達至“條”這一級。即只有section與subsection才具有名稱,項(paragraph)一般不使用名稱;即便“項”使用名稱,也一般不在目錄裡列明。例如,美國聯邦法規(Code of Federal Regulations)就在“項”這一級使用名稱:

2.10Retain information 10years.

(a)The 10-year rule.

(b)Exceptions:15-year rule when younger sibling is endangered

上例中的(a)與(b)乃是“項”,但分別有名稱。[67]即便如此,“項”的抬頭或名稱不得出現在目錄中(table of contents)中。

可見,英美法律中的條款名稱類似於廣告、新聞或標語中引人注意的字、措辭或短句(a catch line)。這種描述性的名稱體現了法律條文在排列上的邏輯性,從而有助於幫助讀者輕易找到欲適用的具體規定。故從形式而言,這類條款的名稱往往用詞言簡意賅,一般採用不完整的詞句,如名詞性或動名詞短語,抑或1個句子。[68]具體而言:

(1)“adj.(包括v-ing;v-ed)+名詞”、動名詞、或者“名詞+whiz deletion(作後置定語)”。對於這類結構,可依照修飾詞與中心詞的邏輯關係進行處理。例如:

Overriding Objective基本目標

personal service直接送達


misleading statement and omission誤導性陳述和未陳述

Filing and serving written evidence提交和送達書面證據(畫線部分為動名詞)

certification filed with complaint與訴狀一併提交的書面證明(其中的filed結構為後置定語)

(2)名詞+介詞(of/about/in/to/on/for etc.)+名詞。對此,可還原為相應的動作、過程或狀態,或譯為漢語的偏正結構名詞化結構,以體現其間的主謂或動賓等邏輯關係。例如:

Application and interpretation of the rules規則的適用與解釋

Application by defendant for service of a claim form被告提出的向其送達訴訟格式的請求

Service of documents文書送達[69]

Address for service送達地址

Security for payment of costs in class action集團訴訟費的支付擔保

Determination of public interest公共利益的認定

Restriction on settlement under seal對封印和解協議的限制


Rules about service apply generally(送達規則的一般適用範圍)

Who is to serve送達人[70]

How To Start Proceedings-The Claim Form訴訟程序的啟動—訴訟格式


Rule 88.Procedure where defendant objects to use of Part 8procedure(被告反對適用第8部分所述程序時可適用的程序)

Rule 104.Notice to claimant that defendant has filed an acknowledgment of service(致原告被告已提交送達承認書的通知)[71]


nature of party to be served(受送達人的性質)

motion to dismiss(駁回訴訟之請求;駁回起訴動議)(6)名詞+名詞。可視情況而譯為聯合結構或偏正結構。例如:

commission rules and enforcement(委員會的規則與執行)

management assessment of internal controls(管理層對內部控制的評價)

audit partner rotation(審計合夥人的更換)

Loss causation-In any private action arising under this title,the plaintiff shall have the burden of proving that the act or omission of the defendant alleged to have violated this title caused the loss for which the plaintiff seeks to recover damages.[72](損失的因果關係)


Authority to enter an order requiring an accounting and disgorgement(簽署要求陳述與返還非法所得的命令)

Rule 14.6Admission of liability to pay whole of claim for unspecified amount of money(對給付不特定金額款項請求的全部付款責任之自認)

Rule 14.7Admission of liability to pay claim for unspecified amount of money where defendant offers a sum in satisfaction of the claim(對給付不特定金額款項訴訟請求的付款責任之自認——被告提出為滿足原告訴訟請求而給付一定金額的款項)[73]

No Right Of Priority Or Benefit Of Earliest FilingDate.-A provisional application shall not be entitled to the right of priority of any other application under section 119or 365(a)of this title or to the benefit of an earlier filing date in the United States under section 120,121,or 365(c)of this title.[74](不享有優先權或在先申請日利益)

上述表達模式無疑對我國法律條款名稱的英譯具有一定的指導作用。但須注意的是,我國法律中一般不設條款名稱(即名稱只達至“節”這一級),條款名稱更不會在法律目錄中列明,這一點與英美法“目錄裡可含有條款名稱”的做法(參見前文的有關內容)迥異。例如,《民法通則》《刑法》等法中,均只在“條、款”的上級單位(如“節、章、部分”)中使用類似section heading的章節名稱,故對條或款設定一個名稱系對外國法律表述模式的借鑑。上海市開創先河,在其條例的英文版中設立條款名稱,但數量並不多,到目前也只有十部左右。這些為數不多的條款名稱的英譯文中卻存在大量誤譯,這就為條款名稱的英譯提出了警示:對於這種舶來品的翻譯,應考慮下列因素,以符合目的語的表述習慣:

首先,法律法規的條款的抬頭或名稱不能譯為section title,而應譯為section heading。筆者在上課時注意到,學生受英美法系long title和short title這一表述的影響,認為“條款的名稱”理所當然應該為section title,且如此理解者不乏少數。


第一條 (制定目的和依據)根據《×××保護條例》,結合本市實際情況,制定本規定→─。Article 1(Purpose and basis) The present Provisions are..[75]

如果說原文系立法時因未設條款名稱而使用括號以示補充,尚可理解,那譯文中增加括號則純粹違反標點符號的使用規範,遍查後均未找到英美法系的條款名稱的類似表述方式。此外,條款內容中只說明瞭制定本規定的“立法權源”,而並未說明其立法目的,故原文的條款名稱與其內容有出入,進而導致譯文的失誤,不妨改為:Article 1Purpose...



Section 200Policy and objective.(——35USC Patent)



SEC.4.(a)…(——×××Relations Act)


2.The purpose of this Act is to extend the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by a government institution and that provide individuals with a right of access to that information.



第四十條 →─施行日期Article 40Date of implementation(應為Effective date.);

第三條 (有關用語含義→─)Article 3(Definition of Following Terms used in the present Procedures)(如此對譯略顯冗長,可改為“Article 3Definitions”,則更為簡潔明瞭。)

第三十二條 (罰則→─)Article 32(Provisions of Punishment)(可仿效英美法系的表述方式而改為:Article 32Penalties.

第三十三條 (執法程序→─)Article 33(Procedures for Implementation of the Present Provisions)(該例也屬機械對譯,不如改為:Article 33Enforcement Procedure.)第五,有關單複數和冠詞的使用。條款及其上級單位的名稱英譯文中常使用定冠詞。例如:

第一章 刑法的任務、→─基本原則和適用範圍Chapter I The Tasks,Basic Principles and Scope of Application of the Criminal Law

第三章 →─刑罰第五節死刑Chapter III Punishment Section 5The death penalty

第四章 →─刑罰的具體運用Chapter IV The Concrete Application of Punishments但在英美法中,一如法律名稱中不使用定冠詞,條款的名稱中亦極少使用冠詞。例如:



2.The purpose of this Act is to extend the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by a government institution and that provide individuals with a right of access to that information.(——Privacy Act,R.S.C.,1985,c.P-21)

Section 6Court may withhold report from child.The court may withhold all or part of the report from the child.Where the court is satisfied that disclosure of all or part of the report to the child would cause the child emotional harm.

上例中,無論是小節的名稱(PURPOSE OF ACT)還是條款名稱(Purpose;Court may withhold report from child),都未使用定冠詞。在這方面,我國臺灣地區的法律翻譯比內地做得好。而就單複數而言,可根據實際情況而定。以常見的“目的”的翻譯為例。如果該法的目的為多個,則應使用複數,否則就使用單數。例如:


The purposes of this Act include—(a)..;and(b)..;and..(——Penalties and Sentences Act 1992)

再如,Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World trade Organization(《建立WTO的馬拉喀什協定》)中也使用的是用了Scope/Functions/Structure/of the WTO等條款名稱,單複數根據具體語境而定,且均未使用限定詞the或a。在翻譯時,不妨多參照平行文本。










Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China (No.41)

The Amendment(VIII)to the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China,as adopted at the 19th meeting of the StandingCommittee of the Eleventh National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on February 25,2011,is hereby promulgated,and shall come into force on May 1,2011..



(Adopted at the Fourth Session of the Sixth National People’s Congress,and promulgated by Order No.37 of the president of the People’s Republic of China on April 12,1986,and effective as of January 1,1987)..


Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China

Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China (No.9)

The Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China,which was adopted at the 7th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on February 28,2009,is hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of June 1,2009..

可見表述各一:或使用meeting,或使用session;或使用定語從句(which was adopted..),或使用whiz deletion這一縮略結構(as adopted..)。“第x次會議”究竟該如何翻譯?根據布萊克法律詞典(第8版,第1403頁)的解釋:

Session.Parliamentary law A meeting or series of related meetings throughout which a court,legislature,or other deliberative assembly conducts business in a continuing sequence;or the period within any given day during which such a body is assembled and performing its duties.

即session一詞常表示立法機構或法院召集連續性的(一次或多次)會議以討論某一問題,如the court’s spring session;法院在某天開庭審理某個案件就稱為“The court is in session”。因此,人大常委的第×次會議就可表示為“the xth Session”肯定沒錯;但在國際性法律文件中,也常使用Xth meeting來表示第幾次會議,如:7thMeeting of EMSA(European Maritime Safety Agency)Administrative Board[76];7thMeeting of the Parties to ASCOBANS(Brighton,United Kingdom,22-24October 2012)[77]。可見,用the xth Session和xth meeting均可用於翻譯我國的“人大第x次會議”。

而對於“在人大第X次會議上通過”的翻譯,有學者認為adopted at the Xth Session of the Xth National People’s Congress,adopted bythe Xth Session of the Xth National People’s Congress以及Adopted by the Xth Session of the Xth National People’s Congress都不妥,因通過該法案並使該法案具有法律效力的是人民代表大會,而不是其X次會議,故建議採用Adopted by the Xth National People’s Congress at its Xth Session。[78]其實,該認識存在偏差,議案審議機構的確是人民代表大會,但不可否認的是,就是在該x次會議上通過了該法案,因此用Adopted by the Xth Session/Metting of the Xth National People’s Congress也不錯,因該表述乃是一種立法技巧,即法律擬製(deeming;legal fiction),[79]即用機構來指代其中的人。否則上述理解,通過該議案的也並非人民代表大會,而是人民代表。國際性法律文件中就不乏“..Adopted by the Xth Session/Metting of(XX institution)”的表述。例如:


上例中使用的就是adopted by the 7thsession of xx Council這一結構。“PC(USA)Earth Care Pledge adopted bySaint James Session 9/9/12”[80]也為類似的表達結構。

針對該頒佈語中的生效時間,鑑於英美法系目前的“復古情結派”和“明晰化運動派”之間的戰爭尚無定局,是使用shall be effective結構(其中的shall既表將來又表義務而備受指責),還是採用一般時態的comes into force結構,則取決於譯者。


(1)xxx Act,as adopted by the Xth Session of the xxxxth National People’s Congress on(month-date-year/date-month-year),is now issued,and shall come into force as of/on(month-date-year/date-month-year).

(2)xxx Act has been adopted by the Xth Session of the xxxxth National People’s Congress on(month-date-year/date-month-year),is now issued,and shall come into force as of/on(month-date-year/date-month-year).




從敘事學(narratology)的角度而言,使用一人稱與第三人稱進行敘事有區別。敘事學也稱敘述學,是受結構主義影響而產生的研究敘事的理論。通常我們一般用“視角”指涉感知角度;一個人的感知也涉及對事物的特定看法、立場觀點或感情態度。我國憲法序言超過1千字,採用的是第三人稱的敘事方式,顯得非常莊嚴凝重,但缺乏一種親密感(solidarity);相比較而言,美國憲法的序言更為簡潔明瞭,只用了52個單詞,且採用的是第一人稱的敘事方式,[82]通過使用“We the people of the United States”這種同位語結構而實現一種親密關係,[83]該句也是歷屆總統競選時,以及其他言語者煽情時引用最多的短語,以拉近與聽眾或觀眾的距離。網上曾流傳下列表述:

“WE THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES have freedom of speech.Not foreign diplomats from Iran,get the difference”

“We,the People of the United States of America,reject the U.S.Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United,and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech,and that human beings,not corporations,are persons entitled to constitutional rights。”[84]




表7-1 英漢法律結構對比概略


[92]我國法律法規的英譯本中,目錄的譯文幾乎都是用Contents表示,但遍觀英美法中,均是用“Table of content(s)”表示,不妨效仿。






對於“總則”的譯法,包括General rules(如《物權法》的英譯本)和General provisions(如我國《刑法》的英譯本)。

一般而言,General rules表示基本的規定,如我國香港特區的Patent(general)rule,即有關專利的基本規定,故使用該表述來翻譯“總則”欠妥;

General provisions意思是Laws or regulations that apply to all contracts of certain type.Regulations applicable only to a particular contract are called Special provisions[86],即表示“基本規定”,與“特別規定”相對。由於英美法系與大陸法系在立法模式上存在區別,前者通常在preamble裡說列明立法的宗旨或依據,很少有法律會如大陸法系那樣專門設立一個“總則”來說明上述內容。例如,加拿大的Partnership Act(RSBC 1996)及英國的Limited Partnerships Act 1907,均直接在“簡稱”後就列出定義條款、合夥的性質等內容。但在美國,設立“總則”(General Provisions)的法律也不少。[87]

General Principles則更為通用,如香港特別行政區立法中就有“Chapter I:General Principles Article 1..The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China”的表述,其他國家的立法中也有類似的表述。

此外,英美立法中也使用In general,其下分章、節或條款,涉及釋義、簡稱等內容,表明制定法律的任務、基本原則和適用範圍。





(1)This Act(by-law,regulations,etc.)is enacted(promulgated,etc.)+to+v.(for the purpose of v-ing,with a view to doing,etc.)(立法擬針對的事項+目的)+in accordance with(權源),即分別列明目的與權源。例如:



These regulations are designed and enacted for the purpose of promoting the health,safety,convenience and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Elbert County,Colorado,by encouraging the proper arrangements of streets,in relation to existing or planned streets and to the Growth Management Plan;providing for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic,utilities,access of fire fighting apparatus,civil defense,recreation,sites for schools and educational facilities and related structures,light and air;avoiding congested population;minimizing adverse environmental impacts by development,and regulating such other matters as the County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners may deem necessary,in order to protect the best interests of the public.(Elbert County Subdivision Regulations(2005))(先後列明具體的立法事項和根本宗旨)



These regulationsare enacted to promote the general welfare of the Town of Dedham,to protect the health and safety of its inhabitants,to encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the town,to preserve the cultural,historical and agricultural heritage of the community,to increase the amenities of the town,and to reduce the hazard from fire by regulating the location and use of buildings and the area of open space around them,all as authorized by,but not limited to,the provisions of the Zoning Act,G.L.c.40A,as amended,Section 2Aof 1975Mass.Acts 808,and by Article 89of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.(先後列明立法宗旨和權源)


This Zoning By-Law is enactedin accordance with the provisions of the General Laws,Chapter 40A,and any and all amendments thereto.[Town of Dedham Zoning By-Law(Revised November 2011)]

我國香港特區雙語法律中的英文本採用的也是類似表述,如“The Basic Law of the HKSAR was enacted by the National People’s Congress in accordance with the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China”。

(2)“With a view to(for the purpose of)(目的)+this Act is hereby enacted”,即不列出權源(如上例中的1.2),並將目的狀語前置。


第一條 為了懲罰犯罪,保護人民,根據憲法,結合我國同犯罪作鬥爭的具體經驗及實際情況,制定本法。(我國《刑法》)

譯1:Article 1In order to punish crimes and protect the people[93],this Law is enacted[94]on the basis of the Constitution and in the light of the concrete experiences and actual circumstances in China’s fight against crimes.(官方譯文)

譯2:This Act is enacted on the basis of the Constitution and in the light of the concrete experiences and actual situations in China’s fight against crimes,in order to punish crimes and to protect people.[95]

譯3:Article 1This Law is enacted according to the Constitution in light of the concrete experience and the actual circumstances of China’s fight against crime,in order to punish crime and protect the people.[96]


With a view to punishing crime and protecting the public,and inaccordance with the the Constitution of the PRC and the concrete experiences and actual situations in China’s fight against crimes,this Act is hereby enacted.[98]或者:

This Act is enacted for the purpose of punishing crime and protecting the public,as authorized by the Constitution of PRC and based on the experience and situations in China’s fight against crime.


例2 第一條 為加強市容和環境衛生管理,創造和維護整潔、優美的市容環境,保障人民身體健康,促進經濟發展和社會文明進步,根據有關法律、法規,結合本市實際情況,制定本條例。(《天津市市容和環境衛生管理條例》)

翻譯本例時刻參照前面所述Elbert County Subdivision Regulations(2005)的表述模式,即先說明本條例擬立法的內容(目的),而後列出其立法權源,最後說明其概括性的目的:

These regulations are designed and enacted for the purpose of enhancing management of cityscape and environmental sanitation,and creating and preserving clean and beautiful city scape of Tianjin Municipality,as authorized by relevant laws and regulations and based on the specific situations in Tianjin Municipality,in order to protect the health of its inhabitants and to promote economic growth and social civilization.


如前所述,英美法系因為採納大陸法系系統的法典或法規編排模式而未設總則,故其定義條款往往單獨作為一個條款,以“Interpretation”、“Definition(s)”、“DEFINITION OF TERMS”、“General provisions and Definitions Applicable To This Code”(New York Criminal Code)等表示。有時對於沒有涵蓋性條款名稱的法律,則以Interpretation或Definition作為條款名稱,分別對有關術語或概念作出規定,進而說明了該法可適用的有關組織或個人。例如:


2.(1)In this Act,

“age of majority”,in respect of a child,means the age of majority as determined by the laws of the province where the child ordinarily resides,or,if the child ordinarily resides outside of Canada,eighteen years of age;..

“appellate court”,in respect of an appeal from a court,means the court exercising appellate jurisdiction with respect to that appeal;


第一章 總則

第二條 本法所稱能源,是指煤炭、石油、天然氣、生物質能和電力、熱力以及其他直接或者通過加工、轉換而取得有用能的各種資源。(我國《能源法》)


第九十九條 本法下列用語的含義:








生效時間通常在某個條款中列明。[102]在英美法系中,一般是在Commencement,Effective date等條款名稱下做出規定,或者在“條”的上級單位(如“General provisions and Definitions Applicable To This Code”)中予以規定。例如:


*36.This Act shall come into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation.〔——Divorce Act R.S.C.,1985,c.3(2nd Supp.)〕 (即於該法宣告之日生效)

Coming Into Force

38.This by-law comes into force on the date of its passage.(Site Alteration By-law,The Corporation of the city of Waterloo) (即於該法通過之日生效)

General provisions and Definitions Applicable To This Code

§963.This Code shall take effect on the first day of September,1881.When construed in connection with other statutes,it must be deemed to have been enacted on the fourth day of January,eighteen hundred and eighty-one,so that any statute enacted after that day is to have the same effect as if it had been enacted after this Code.——New York CRIMINAL CODE




第四百五十條 本法自1997年10月1日起施行。(我國《刑法》)

第三十七條 本法自1985年10月1日起施行。(《中華人民共和國繼承法》)

第七章附則 第七十二條 本法自2007年6月1日起施行。(《中華人民共和國未成年人保護法》)










Article 3Interpretations

The expression“on or about”or similar will be interpreted as a stipulation that an event is to occur during aperiod of five calendar days before until five calendar days after the specified date,both start and end dates included.

The words“to”,“until”,“till”,“from”and“between”when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned,and the words“before”and“after”exclude the date mentioned.

The words“from”and“after”when used to determine a maturity date exclude the date mentioned.

The terms“first half”and“second half”of a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to the last day of the month,all dates inclusive...(——UCP600)

根據UCP600,當用於表示確定裝運期限時,“×月×日止”(to)、“至×月×日”(until)、“直至×月×日”(till)、“從×月×日”(from)及“在×月×日至×月×日之間”(between)包括所述日期;“×月×日之前”(before)及“×月×日之後”(after)則不包括所述日期。此外,根據陶博的研究,普通法的期間計算有三個規則,其中有一條與本部分所述的日期計算有關,即在普通法系中,日期(day)有兩種不同的用法:若在表述中使用了date一詞(如合同領域內常用的“××days from the date of delivery..”),則表明從該交貨日期發生的當晚12點起開始計算期間;如未使用具體的date,如“three(3)days from delivery..”,則表明自能夠交貨時開始計算期間。[105]例如:

Florida law states that a landlord may evict a tenant for non-payment of rent ONLY IF:(1)the tenant fails to pay rent when due,(2)the landlord gives the tenant a written demand for payment of the overdue rent,and(3)the tenant fails to pay rentwithin 3days(excluding Saturdays,Sundays,and legal holidays)of receiving the written notice from the landlord.

該例中的“3-day notice”就不包括送達之日,[106]即開始的日期不計算在期間之內,這一點與我國法律關於期間的計算相同。至於on和as of的用法,則很少提到。經文獻檢索後發現,on一般包括開始的日期;而as of date的意思有如下三個:

1)Billing term which indicates that the payment terms of the invoice are based on a date other than the date on which the invoice was created.For example,an invoice created on January 15th but marked“as of January 5th”with credit terms of 30days,would be due on February 5th.;

2)Date on which an agreement,condition,order,or statue becomes effective or operative;

3)Date to which the given data or piece of information applies.[107]


可見,在期間的計算和日期表達上,英美法系和我國法律存在異同,在翻譯時須注意其差異。參照英美法系的表述模式,不妨將生效日期表述為“XX act(shall)take effect(或come into force)on(某月某日某年)”。但就該模式,須注意以下幾點:

首先,時間的表達。英國與美國在時間的表達上存在差異,如1987年4月20日,可分別譯為“20thApril,1987”(讀成the twentieth of April,nineteen eighty-seven)和“April 20,1987”(讀成April the twentieth,nineteen eighty-seven),故須適當調整。

其次,時態的選擇。目前國內外的法律法規幾乎都使用了shall,即採納“shall+take effect/come into force;shall go into effect/shall become effective”模式。但現行的立法趨勢是使用一般現在時。[108]例如:

Effective date

(2)The designationtakes effect on the date specified in the regulation.2001,c.33,s.2(2).

Effective date of terminations

(27)The terminationsare effective on the day the Minister is served with the notice.

Review of this Act

55.The Minister may conduct a review of this Act after three years have passed since the daythis section comes into force.(——Water Transfer Control Act,R.S.O.1990,c.W.4)


第三,表示生效時間時介詞的選擇。我國立法中的“從/自…日”絕不能譯為“from..”。根據1999年Interpretation Act第35條規定了from與一個時間段的關係,即規定某期間從一個特定日期、行為或事件開始時,除非文意另有所指,並不包括該日期、行為或事件;[109]該法的第10條又規定,“如果某個立法從某一天生效,則該法實際生效日期為該特定日的次日”。[110]而關於before的用法,該法第35條第4款規定,如果某個期間“在某特定日期、行為或事件前結束”,則不包括該日期或行為或事件開始之日。[111]因此,應避免使用before,使用after倒更為妥當;或者直接使用on表示“於某一天開始或結束”(aperiod may be expressed to begin on a specified day and to end with the close of another day),以避免歧義發生。有人認為應使用as of來表示,因as of將from與on的意思合二為一,既不違背英語語言習慣,又利於保留原文的一致性風格。[112]儘管根據Concise Oxford English Dictionary的解釋,“as of/as from”常意指同時發生(used to indicate simultaneous occurrence)。[113]但是,根據Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary的解釋,該詞還表示beginning on;on and after;from。[114]由於該詞有歧義,故應以避免使用。



第五十九條 本條例自公佈之日起施行。1998年2月25日天津市第十二屆人民代表大會常務委員會第四十次會議通過的《天津市環境衛生管理條例》同時廢止。(《天津市市容和環境衛生管理條例》)

第四百五十條 列於本法附件一的全國人民代表大會常務委員會制定的條例、補充規定和決定,已納入本法或者已不適用,自本法施行之日起,予以廢止。(《刑法》)相對而言,英美法系中表示條款廢除或失效的句型大致可分為下列幾類:



例1 第五十九條 本條例自公佈之日起施行。1998年2月25日天津市第十二屆人民代表大會常務委員會第四十次會議通過的《天津市環境衛生管理條例》同時廢止。(《天津市市容和環境衛生管理條例》)

譯1:Article 59These Regulations shall become effective as from the date of promulgation.The Regulations of Tianjin Municipalityon Environmental Sanitation that was adopted at the 40th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress on February 25,1998shall be abrogated simultaneously.

改譯:These Regulations shall take effect on the date of publication.The Environment and Sanitation Regulations of Tianjin Municipality,as adopted by the 40thSession of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress on February 25,1998,is hereby repealed.[115]


例2 第四百五十條 ……列於本法附件一的全國人民代表大會常務委員會制定的條例、補充規定和決定,已納入本法或者已不適用,自本法施行之日起,予以廢止。(《刑法》)

譯1:Article 452…The regulations,supplementary provisions and decisions listed in Appendix I of this Law,which were formulated by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,are already brought into this Law or are not applicable and,from the date of entry into force of this Law,shall be repealed.[116]

譯2:Regulations,supplementary provisions and decisions enacted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress listed in Attachment of this Law have been brought into this law or shall not apply,and shall be abolished as of the date of effectiveness of this law.[117]

譯3:The regulations,supplementary provisions and decisions enacted by the Standing incorporated into this Act or no longer applicable.Such provisions shall be repealed as of the date when this Act takes effect.[118]

上述譯法均未釐清原文句子間因果關係,也忽略的漢語與英語的行文特點,在時態和句子結構上都存有失誤。故而採用whiz deletion結構,並將條件句後置。試譯:

The regulations,supplementary provisions,and decisions enacted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,as listed in Appendix of this Act,shall be repealed on the effective date of this Act,if the said previsions have been incorporated into this Act or are obsolete thus no longer applicable.





第六條 在中華人民共和國領域內的民事活動,適用中華人民共和國法律,法律另有規定的除外。(《民法通則》)

第八條 凡在中華人民共和國領域內犯罪的,除法律有特別規定的以外,都適用本法。


上述例子中都是以事項或行為作為句子的主語,實則該主語與後邊的動詞“適用”形成動賓關係。而在英美法系中,可採用“某規定(The time limits)適用於(are applicable to)某種行為(all criminal offenses)”的表示方式,即典型的SVO結構。例如:



(1)Offenses.The time limits set forth herein are applicable to all criminal offenses triable in this court,including cases triable by magistrate judges,except for petty offenses as defined in 18U.S.C.§1(3).Except as specifically provided,they are not applicable to proceedings under the Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act(18U.S.C.§3172)....

General provisions and Definitions Applicable To This Code

§962.This Code applies to criminal actions,and to all other proceedings in criminal cases which are herein provided for,from the time when it takes effect;but all such actions and proceedings,therefore commenced,must be conducted in the same manner as if this Code had not been passed;except that if in any local statute confined,by its terms,to a town or village or to a county or city other than the city and county of New York,any proceeding is prescribed,in addition to those prescribed by this Code and not inconsistent with it,the same shall remain unaffected by it. (——New York CRIMINAL CODE)




For these purposes,the construction,repair,alteration,reconstruction,height,number of stories,and size of buildings and structures,the size and width of lots,the percentage of lot area that may be occupied,the size of yards,courts,and other open spaces,the density of population,and the location and use of buildings,structures,and land in the Town are regulated as hereinafter provided.


All buildings or structures hereinafter erected,reconstructed,altered,enlarged,or moved,and the use of all premises in the Town,shall be in conformity with the provisions of the Zoning By-Law.No building,structure or land shall be used for any purpose or in any manner other than is expressly permitted within the district in which such building,structure or land is located.Where the application of this By-Law imposes greater restrictions than those imposed by any other regulations,permits,restrictions,easements,covenants,or agreements,the provisions of this By-Law shall control.(Town of Dedham Zoning By-Law Revised November 2011)

在上例中,有關適用範圍常在文本的開頭的條款中以列舉的方式予以說明,使用的就是“某行為(all building..)須遵守(shall be in conformity with)某法(the provision of..)”。這兩種模式均可用於法律法規的英譯。基於該表述,可將上述的例1和例2分別譯為:

Section 8.Unless/Except as otherwise provided,the laws and regulations of the PRC apply to any civil activity within the territory of the PRC.[119]Section 6.Unless/Except as otherwise provided,this Act applies to any and all criminal offenses within the territory of the PRC.Where a criminal offense or the consequence thereof occurs within the territory of the PRC,the said offense shall be deemed to have been committed within the territory of the PRC/be an offense committed within the territory of the PRC.[120]



例1 在中華人民共和國領域內的民事活動,適用中華人民共和國法律,法律另有規定的除外。本法關於公民的規定,適用於在中華人民共和國領域內的外國人、無國籍人,法律另有規定的除外。(《民法通則》第八條)


例2 中華人民共和國公民在中華人民共和國境外犯本法規定之罪的,適用本法,但是按本法規定的最高刑為三年以下有期徒刑的,可以不予追究;外國人在中華人民共和國領域外對中華人民共和國國家或公民犯罪,而按本法規定的最低刑為三年以上有期徒刑的,可以適用本法,但按照犯罪地的法律不受處罰的除外。(《刑法》第七、八條)

例2對國人在境外犯罪,採取屬人主義標準而適用法律;以及外國人在境外對中國人和中國所實施犯罪的法律適用問題做了規定。大陸法系國家與英美法系國家在立法中也大多采取類似的規定。以芬蘭的“The Penal Code of Finland 2003”為例:

Chapter 1-Scope of application of the criminal law of Finland(626/1996)

Section 1-Offence committed in Finland

Finnish law applies to an offence committed in Finland.

Section 2-Offence connected with a Finnish vessel

(1)Finnish law applies to an offence committed on board a Finnish vessel or aircraft if the offence was committed

(1)while the vessel was on the high seas or in territory not belonging to any State or while the aircraft was in or over such territory,or

(2)while the vessel was in the territory of a foreign State or the aircraft was in or over such territory and the offence was committed by the master of the vessel or aircraft,a member of its crew,apassenger or a person who otherwise was on board.

(2)Finnish law also applies to an offence committed outside of Finland by the master of a Finnish vessel or aircraft or a member of its crew if,by the offence,the offender has violated his/her special statutory duty as the master of the vessel or aircraft or a member of its crew.

Section 3-Offence directed at Finland

(1)Finnish law applies to an offence committed outside of Finland that has been directed at Finland.

(2)An offence is deemed to have been directed at Finland

(1)if it is an offence of treason or high treason,

(2)if the act has otherwise seriously violated or endangered the national,military or economic rights or interests of Finland,or

(3)if it has been directed at a Finnish authority.

Section 5-Offence directed at a Finn

Finnish law applies to an offence committed outside of Finland that has been directed at a Finnish citizen,a Finnish corporation,foundation or other legal entity,or a foreigner permanently resident in Finland if,under Finnish law,the act may be punishable by imprisonment for more than six months.

Section 6-Offence committed by a Finn

(1)Finnish law applies to an offence committed outside of Finland by a Finnish citizen.If the offence was committed in territory not belonging to any State,it is a precondition for the imposition of punishment that,under Finnish law,the act is punishable by imprisonment for more than six months..





(2)Persons.The time limits are applicable to persons accused who have not been indicted or informed against as well as those who have,and the word“defendant”includes such persons unless the context indicates otherwise.


Section 2.COVERAGE.

This Code shall govern all establishments situated within the Municipality of Orion,specifically enumerated in its provisions,and all persons,natural or juridical,entities or agencies involved in activities or related fields specifically made subject of regulation by the provisions embodied in this Code.(——Sanitation Code of 2009of the Municipality of Orion)


6Application to children and certain courts

This Act does not apply to—

(a)a child within the meaning of theYouth Justice Act 1992;or

(b)a Children’s Court;

except to the extent allowed by theYouth Justice Act 1992.



2.1By-law-provisions not applicable-various

The provision of this by-law does not apply;

a)where a regulation made under section 28(1)of theConservation Authorities Act respecting the alteration to existing grades and the placing or dumping of fill is in effect;

b)to the placing or dumping of fill or alteration of the grade of land undertaken by any municipality or local board as defined in the Municipal Affairs Act,to a Crown agency as defined in the Crown Agency Act or to Ontario Hydro;

c)to activities or matters prescribed by regulations pursuant to theMunicipal Act;

d)in areas that are zoned and draft plan approved for development and a subdivision agreement or development agreement has been entered into between the owner and the City which has been registered against the title of the subject lands and is still in effect;

e)In areas that are under license or permit,issued in accordance with the Aggregate Resources Act;

f)in areas that are not defined as“Environmental Protection Area”by this by-law;

g)to the ploughing of land associated with planting,cultivation or harvesting of agricultural crops,and routine maintenance of existing drains;

h)to routine maintenance activities within established gold courses;

i)to minor activities approved by the Director,Development and Compliance as exceptions;and

j)in areas which do not have“draft plan of subdivision”approval.

——Site Alteration By-law(C.P.-1363-381-Consolidated May 1,2012)

上述例子也是對該法不適用的情形做了列舉。此外,澳大利亞的刑法典也有類似的規定。[121]可見,在對人或機構的適用性進行表達時,英美法系採用的是“法律適用於人(實體或機構)/犯罪行為”(law+is applicable to/applies to/have application to/shall govern+activity),或“某行為受某法調整”兩種模式。有鑑於此,可將上述例1和例2分別譯為:

Section 8.Unless otherwise provided,provisions of this Law respecting citizens apply to aliens and stateless persons.[122]

Section 7.This Act applies to any criminal offense under this Act,committed outside the territory of the PRC by a citizen of the PRC,Provided that,under this Act,the offense may be punishable by imprisonment for less than 3years.//or:This Act applies to any citizen of the PRC who has committed a criminal offense under this Act,provided that the citizen may be punished by a sentence of imprisonment for a term less than three years.(即用一個“但書”將應適用的條件明確化。)


例3 第二條 在本市行政區域內從事建設工程的新建、擴建、改建等有關活動,以及對建設工程質量實施監督管理的,必須遵守本規定。(《天津市建設工程質量管理規定》)

Article 2These Regulations applyto/shall govern all newly-built,expanded and renovated construction projects carried out in this Municipality and the quality control thereof.

對於上例中的“必須遵守本規定”或者“適用本規定”,筆者將其譯為apply to或shall govern(也可參照Sanitation Code of 2009of the Municipality of Orion的譯法),而並未譯為“must/shall abide by”[123]……

例4 第二條 在中華人民共和國境內從事下列活動,應當遵守本法:


譯文:This law applies to the following activities carried out within the territory of the PRC:

(1)Food production and processing(hereinafter referred to as“Food Production”);food distribution and catering service(hereinafter referred to as“Food Trading”)..

上例採納的是law applies to xx activity模式。也可採用the following activity shall abide by xx law的模式。總之,可根據目的語的表述習慣而選擇適當的表述模式。


法律的溯及力,即法律溯及既往的效力,是指法律頒佈後對它生效以前的行為和事件是否適用的問題。若適用,該法律就有溯及力,如果不適用,該法律就沒有溯及力。由於法律是一種行為規則,並且只有公佈的法律才有可能成為約束人們行為的準則,所以近代各國一般採用法無溯及力的原則,即“法不溯及既往”的法治原則。[124]例如,美國1787年憲法規定:追溯既往的法律不得通過。法國民法典規定:法律僅僅適用於將來,沒有溯及力。《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》(The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)[125]第十五條第一款規定:

No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence,under national or international law,at the time when it was committed.Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time when the criminal offence was committed.If,subsequent to the commission of the offence,provision is made by law for the imposition of a lighter penalty,the offender shall benefit thereby.


Nothing in this article shall prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act or omission which,at the time when it was committed,was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations.





The provisions of this Code supersede those of the previous editions with effect from 1 January 2000.(INTERNATIONAL CODE OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE,Fourth Edition,adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences)


第八十四條 法律、行政法規、地方性法規、自治條例和單行條例、規章不溯及既往,但為了更好地保護公民、法人和其他組織的權利和利益而作的特別規定除外。(《立法法》)

譯文:Article 84The laws,administrative regulations,local regulations,autonomous regulations,special rules,administrative rules or local rules[126]do not have retroactive force,with the exception of a special provision made for the purpose of better defending the rights and interests of citizens,legal persons or other organizations.


Article 84Unless otherwise provided to secure better rights and interests of citizens,legal persons or other organizations,any and all acts,Statutory instruments or bye-laws do not have retroactive effect.


第十二條 中華人民共和國成立以後本法施行以前的行為,如果當時的法律不認為是犯罪的,適用當時的法律;如果當時的法律認為是犯罪的,依照本法總則第四章第八節的規定應當追訴的,按照當時的法律追究刑事責任,但是如果本法不認為是犯罪或者處刑較輕的,適用本法。本法施行以前,依照當時的法律已經作出的生效判決,繼續有效。(《刑法》)

譯1:If an act committed after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and before t he entry into force of this Law was not deemed a crime under the laws at the time,those laws shall apply.If the act was deemed a crime under the laws in force at the time and is subject to prosecution under the provisions of Section 8,Chapter IV of the General Provisions of this Law,criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with those laws.However,if according to this Law the act is not deemed a crime or is subject to a lighter punishment,this Law shall apply.

Before the entry into force of this Law,any judgment that has been made and has become effective according to the laws at the time shall remain valid.(官方譯文)


譯2:With respect to a conduct committed after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China and before the commencement of this Act,the laws then in force shall be applicable if it is not deemed to be a crime under such laws;if it is deemed to be a crime under such laws,such conduct shall be prosecuted under such laws where it shall be prosecuted pursuant to provisions of Subchapter 8of Chapter IV in the General Provisions of this Act.However,this Act shall be applicable if such conduct is not deemed to be a crime or is sentenced to a mitigated punishment under this Act[128].

The effective sentence rendered under the laws then in force it is before the commencement of this Act shall continue to be given effect.[129]

譯2將“判決”改譯為sentence,[130]並在結構上做了調整,使譯文更具可讀性,但conduct..is sentenced to..不合邏輯,只有行為人才能被處罰,第二款的譯法也存在句法錯誤,讓人捉摸不定;且將“節”譯為subchapter頗為不妥。根據我們前面的討論,英文中的article應為section的上一級單位。例如:

TITLE 8:Division 1,Chapter 4,Subchapter 4.Construction Safety Orders

Article 12.Pile Driving and Pile Extraction[131]

AmendSection 1600(g)(1)(B)as follows:

§1600.Pile Driving...


譯3:With respect to any conduct committed after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China and prior to the effective date of this Act,the law in force at the time of the conduct shall apply,if the conduct was not deemed to be an offense under the said law,or,if the conduct was deemed to be an offense under the law in force at the time of the conduct and shall be subject to criminal charge under the provisions of Article 8,Chapter 4 of this Act;Provided,however,that this Act shall apply if the conduct is not deemed to be an offence under this Act or the sentence authorized for that offense may be mitigated.

Any effective sentence imposed prior to the effective date of this Act,in accordance with the law in force at the time of the conduct,shall remain in full force and effect.



對於“分則”的英譯,有specific principles(如《刑法》的英譯本)、specific provisions(如《刑法》分則的英譯文)等譯法。與總則(General provisions)不同的是,分則涉及具體的規定,故可譯為Specific Provisions。而在刑事領域,可譯為specific offenses,因分則針對的是具體的罪名,University of Delhi所使用的criminal law教程中就使用了specific offenses這一表述。對於分則的內容及其翻譯,參見“法律規範的邏輯結構”的有關內容。



從立法的實踐來看,那些在總則和分則中都不合適列入的內容,就放在附則中,即主要針對法律法規的施行時間、有關專門術語的定義或解釋、一些未盡事宜,以及與過去相關法律的關係等內容作出規定。如前所述,“附則”可譯為Supplementary provisions,Schedule,Annex,Exhibit,Attachment,Miscellaneous provision等,可根據具體情況進行選擇。




例1 十八週歲以上的公民是成年人,具有完全民事行為能力,可以獨立進行民事活動,是完全民事行為能力人。

例1涉及對“以上”這一定義的使用。國外有學者認為,在起草法律時應注意“年齡”的表達,因為“The expression of age can be ambiguous at times.The phrase‘older than 18years old’could mean the day after the 18th birthday or the day of the 19th birthday.When expressing age,the drafter must remember that a person reaches an age on the person’s birthday and thereafter is older than that age.”Either the term“old”or the term“of age”may be used when referring to a person’s age..”[133]即單純的比較級older than存在歧義;加拿大的立法手冊中就時間和年齡的表述提出下列建議:


Philippine民法中也有關於年齡與民事行為的規定:“A married woman,twenty-one years of age or over,is qualified for all acts of civil life.”。因此,例1中的“18歲以上的公民”不能簡單地譯為“anyone more than 18years old..”,而應根據英美法的表述習慣譯為Any person who is at least 18years old..;Anyone who is 18years old or older/above..或者Anyone who is 18years of age or over。再如,“申請人於遞交申請之日應年滿21週歲”可譯為“The applicant should be 21years old or above on the date of application.”。

例2 第十一條 十六週歲以上不滿十八週歲的公民,以自己的勞動收入為主要生活來源的,視為完全民事行為能力人。

例2中的“16週歲以上18週歲以下的公民”能否譯為“Anyone who is between 16and 18is..”

呢?根據法律規定,“不滿”不包括本數,“以下”則包括本數,且前面談及,英語中的“between xx and xxx”均包括本數,所以該表述有誤。可將“不滿”表述為less and fewer,因“The term‘less’refers to something that is considered as a mass and applies to quality,size,and amount;while‘Fewer’refers to individual items and applies to number and counting”,例如:

The requirements of Subsection(2)apply to a motor vehicle that weighs less than 1,000pounds.

The requirements of Subsection(2)applyto a licensee with fewer than 15employees.

可見這less和fewer與“不滿”的定義相同,即不包括本數。因此“16週歲以上18週歲以下的公民”就可譯為“A citizen who has reached the age of 16but not the age of 18”(官方譯法);或者譯為:“Anyone who is at least 16years old,but is younger than 18years old..”、“Anyone age 16or older but younger than 18”、“Anyone age 16or older but not yet 18..”等。[134]




第四十三條 機動車在道路以外的地方通行時發生事故,造成人身傷亡、財產損失的賠償,比照適用本條例。(《交強險條例》)

第三十九條 香港特別行政區、澳門特別行政區和臺灣地區的保險公司在內地設立和營業的保險公司,比照適用本條例。(《中華人民共和國外資保險公司管理條例》)

對於“比照適用本條例”的譯法,我國法律法規的英譯本一般將其表述為These Regulations shall be applicable in analogy to..[135]英美立法中常表述為apply by analogy。例如:

Article 78...Article 52shall apply by analogy to recipients of an invalidityallowance.If the recipient of an invalidity allowance retires before the age of 65without having reached the maximum pension entitlement,the general rules on retirement pensions shall be applied.The amount of the retirement pension shall be based on the salary for the grade and step occupied by the official when he became an invalid. (——Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities)

Article 2Scope

2.These regulations apply to the government-funded Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes and may be declared applicableby analogy to other education activities offered by or on account of the university of applied sciences.(——Fraud Regulations)

320.6-Suspension for extremely urgent letters.

(3)Except as provided in this paragraph(b)(3),the times and time limits specified in paragraph(b)(1)of this section are not applicable to any locations outside the 48 contiguous states.The times and time limits specified in paragraph(b)(1)of this section are applicable to letters dispatched and delivered wholly within Alaska,Hawaii,Puerto Rico or a territory or possession of the United States.The regulations provided in paragraph(b)(2)of this section relating to the delivery and dispatch of letters are applicableby analogyto letters shipped between these jurisdictions and other nations. (——Title 39Postal Service)

一些大陸法系國家則常使用mutatis mutandis這一術語。例如:

Article 31(3).The provisions of Paragraph 1shall applymutatis mutandis to a person(except a person who,pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph 2,need not conduct an environmental impact assessment or follow other procedures)seeking to implement a relevant project by amending information referred to in Article 5,Paragraph 1,Item(2)after a public announcement has been made as required by Article 27.(Environmental Impact Assessment Law(Japan))

Sec 121.Transmittal Fee and Search Fee

..(2)Subsection(1)shall apply mutatis mutandis to the search fee,the amount of which shall be fixed on the basis of the agreement concluded with the International Searching Authority competent for Switzerland.The Institute shall indicate the amount of the search fee fixed by the International Searching Authority in the Swiss Journal of Patents,Designs and Marks.(Patent Regulations(Switzerland))

綜上,“……比照適用本條例”可採取“(某某法律法規)+is applicable(/applies/shall apply)mutatis mutandis/by analogy to+(某某事項或人).”;或者“With respect to(某某事項或人),(某某法律法規)applies(/shall apply)by analogy(/mutatis mutandis).”的表述方式。例如,上述《中華人民共和國外資保險公司管理條例》第三十九條可譯為:

This Ordinance shall applymutatis mutandis/by analogy to any insurance company established and operated in Chinese mainland by insurance companies from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan region.


從立法實踐來看,解釋權一般在法律、行政法規中並未列明,故在此不予討論。但法律常在附則中規定有權制定實施細則或具體辦法的機關。對於“實施細則”,我國法律法規的英文版有不同的譯法,如譯為Detailed Rules for Implementation of..(如《中華人民共和國外資保險公司管理條例》的英譯本)、RULES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF..(如《中華人民共和國郵政法實施細則》《中華人民共和國計量法實施細則》的英譯本)[136]、或者Detailed Implementation Rules for the Regulation On the Administration of Advertising(如《廣告管理條例》)。這些譯法均有字面翻譯之嫌。不妨參照國際性法律文本。

例如,歐盟於2002年頒佈並於2010年修訂了《金融管理條例》(Financial Regualtion,FR)為例。FR是歐盟各國金融管理的基本準則。2012年1月,歐盟通過了一個新的實施細則(Rules of Application,RAP),代替了現行的實施細則(Implemeting Rules,IR)。該RAP包含更為詳細和更具操作性的規則,對FR的日常實施極為重要。[137]歐盟的交通管理規則的具體實施細則也使用的是Implemeting Rules。[138]菲律賓的官網使用的也是類似表述。[139]

此外,從歐盟的立法議案“Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for external action”中,[140]也可管窺類似結構的表達方式。在我國類似表述的英譯時,不妨借鑑。例如:

第九十三條 國務院根據本法制定實施細則。(《中華人民共和國稅收徵收管理法》)

官方譯文:Article 93The rules for the implementation of this Law shall be formulated by the State Council in accordance with this Law.


Article 93.The State Council may formulate Rules of Application/Implementing Rules of this Law.



例1 第九十一條 中華人民共和國同外國締結的有關稅收的條約、協定同本法有不同規定的,依照條約、協定的規定辦理。(《稅收徵收管理法》)

譯文:Article 91If the provisions of the relevant tax treaties or agreements concluded between the People’s Republic of China and foreign countries are in conflict with the provisions of this Law,the relevant matters shall be handled in accordance with the treaties or agreements.

改譯:Whenever there is/In the event ofa conflict between the provisions of this Law and those/the provisions of the Tax Treaties or Agreements concluded by and between the People’s Republic of China and other countries,the provisions of the Treaties or Agreement shall prevail.[141]

譯1幾乎是原文的機械對譯,如將“依照條約、協定的規定辦理”譯為“shall be handled in accordance with the treaties or agreements”,在語篇銜接上也不符合語篇的主位-述位推進模式,譯文中無端出現的“the relevant matters”讓人難以理解,遂改譯。

例2 第九十條 中華人民共和國締結或者參加的與固體廢物汙染環境防治有關的國際條約與本法有不同規定的,適用國際條約的規定;但是,中華人民共和國聲明保留的條款除外。(《固體廢物汙染環境防治法》)

譯1:If the international treaty regarding the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid wastes concluded or acceded to by the People’s Republic of China contains provisions differing from those contained in this Law,the provisions of the international treaty shall prevail,with the exception of the provisions that the People’s Republic of China has announced reservation.

例2涉及“保留條款”的翻譯,其譯文與例1的譯1頗為類似,後半部分幾乎為機械對譯。這種情況比較普遍。例如,對Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women的效力問題,我國法律的規定是“The People’s Republic of China does not consider itself bound by paragraph 1of article 29of the Convention.”,而愛爾蘭法律中的表述為“Ireland

reserves the right for the time being to maintain provisions of Irish legislation in the area of social security which are more favorable to women than men.”。在翻譯該條款時不妨參照有關國際條約中“保留條款”的通常表述方式。[142]試改譯:

In the case of a conflict between the provisions under the present LAW and the obligations under the Convention concerning solid waste pollution prevention,the provisions of the Convention shall prevail;Provided that the People’s Republic of China reserves the right to give effect to certain section(s)of this LAW.[143]





[2]Barthes,Roland.An Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative[A].New Literary History[C].The Johns Hopkins University Press,Vol.6,No.2,1975:237.

[3]Alcaraz,E.&Hughes,B.Legal translation explained[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2008.

[4]van Dijk,T.A.News Analysis[M].New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers,1988:73.

[5]Cao,Debro.Translating law[M].上海:上海外語教育出版社,2008:104.

[6]“That part of an act of the legislature by which it is known,and distinguished from other acts the name of the act”。參見:http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/title.

[7]The short title is the formal name by which a piece of primary legislation is usually referred to in the United Kingdom and other Westminster-influenced jurisdictions(such as Canada or Australia),as well as the United States;or It is the name by which an act is commonly known and cited.Unlike the long title which precedes the preamble and enacting formula and thus sits outside the main body of text,the short title for modern legislation is explicitly defined by a specific section,typically at the very end or very beginning of the main text.參見:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_title;title的另一個意思:a subdivision of a Statute or code,例如:Title IX,見下文的相關內容。

[8]例如,美國聯邦制定的諸多示範法,如Model Uniform Product Liability Act(《統一產品責任示範法》)、model penal Code(《刑法範典》等,都不具有拘束力。

[9]參見:Duke of Devonshire v.O’Connor(1890)24Q.B.D.468at p.478,per Lord Esher,M.R.

[10]參見:Glanville Williams.Learning the Law.Eleventh Edition.Stevens.1982.Page 44.在愛爾蘭,引稱一部立法的簡稱時也可省略該逗號。參見:The Interpretation Act 2005,section 14(3)(a).


[12]有人將其譯為《司法法》或《美國法院組織法》,對聯邦法院的組織機構作了規定。該法在Marbury v.Madison一案中被裁定部分違憲。

[13]D.J.Gifford &John Salter.How to understand an act of parliament 19(1996)

[14]William N.Eskridge Jr.&Elizabeth Garett.Legislation 831.(2001).

[15]但英國立法的詳稱的措辭也有例外,如,Bill of Rights的詳稱為“An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown”,即使用分詞短語,而不使用不定式。美國法律也有使用分詞做定語的情形,如有關撥款(appropriations)的立法的詳稱為“An Act making appropriations for..”,其議案的詳稱為“A Bill for an Act..”。此外,美國各州在該表述上也有差異,如Illinois州一個比較典型的詳稱為“AN ACT concerning safety”,其實該詳稱並不比其簡稱(Public Act 097-0737)更詳盡,只是對該法的調整事項(subject matter)做了寬泛的說明,相對而言,New Hampshire州的立法中的詳稱則更為詳盡,如“AN ACT relative to establishing a municipal bond rescission process,authorizing governing bodies to call a special meeting to consider reduction or rescission of appropriations,and clarifying special procedures enabling towns to respond appropriately to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.”



[18]儘管上議院是國會的一部分,但“國會議員”(MP,Member of Parliament)一詞卻僅指下議院的議員,因此,凡國會議員均可在其姓名後加上“MP”字樣。此外,英國對參選國會議員有諸多資格限制,如年齡(須滿21歲,2006年後改為18歲)、國籍(須英國公民)、不曾受法院發佈的與破產有關的令狀、精神健康、未曾被判叛國罪等。

[19]documents of Title:所有權憑證,包括收貨單、碼頭收據收貨單、倉單或書面交貨指示等;

[20]sale of accounts出售賬債<賬債指任何對售出或租出之貨物或對提供之服務收取付款的權利,只要此種權利未由票據或動產契據作為證明,而不論其是否已通過履行義務而獲得)




[24]也稱為recitals clause或WHEREAS clause,類似與preamble(序言),常用於表明訂約緣由。

[25]Black’s Law Dictionary(6th Edition,Centennial Edition)(1891-1991).West Publishing Co.,1991:813.


[27]即法庭在所發佈的命令中使用whereas條款,為其所做的判決提供理由或依據。例如:“whereas the plaintiff made a motion to compel the production of certain documents,and whereas the court has held a hearing on the motion and is fully advised on the matter,now therefore it is hereby ordered that the motion to compel the production of the documents requested is hereby denied”,即鑑於原告已提出請求,而法院對此請求進行聽審後瞭解到了有關情況,特此駁回其請求。


[29]參見:Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization

[30]參見:Civil Procedure Rules 1999(英國)第一章。





[35]參見:501A章《持久授權書(定明格式)規例》(E.R.2of 2012)(02/08/2012)




[39]參見:Frances Russell,Christine Locke.English Law and Language[M].Cassell,1992:58-60.





[44]參見美國《統一和標準法案起草規則》第15條的規定:(1)款用圓括號內的小寫字母編號;(2)項用圓括號內的阿拉伯數字編號;(3)目用圓括號內的小羅馬數字編號;(4)如果條不用字母或數字表明,常會引起混淆或計算機系統附帶的問題。因此,在條〈§或section〉以下的層次一律採用帶括號的次語;另見:BILL DRAFTING GUIDE 2011(http://www.leg.wa.gov/CodeReviser/Pages/bill_drafting_guide.aspx);Bill Drafting Manuals 2012(http://www.ncsl.org/legislative-staff/lsss/bill-drafting-manuals.aspx)。

[45]FIDIC是法語Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils的首字母縮寫,其英語意思是International Federation of Consulting Engineers,即由國際諮詢工程師聯合會(FIDIC)制定的以規範建設項目管理的合同文本《土木工程施工合同條件》。“菲迪克合同條件”被廣泛用於國際性招標的工程項目中,並被世界銀行、亞洲銀行和非洲銀行全文采用,作為各自貸款的工程項目的標準合同文件;是相關行業的國際規則,已成為工程招投標、工程諮詢、工程項目管理和工程承包合同管理的重要依據,其總部設在日內瓦的在世貿中心。

[46]Black’s Law Dictionary,8thEd.,p.1372.














[60]It is sometimes referred to as the FLA by legal practitioners,is an Act of the Australian Parliament.It is one of four separate Acts that provide the framework for family law in Australia.It has 15parts and is the main Australian legislation dealing with divorce,parenting arrangements between separated parents(whether married or not),property separation following a divorce,and financial maintenance involving children or divorced spouses.

[61]英美法系國家的法律法規注意要分為:“Act,statutory instrument,statutory rule”等幾類,對於該些類別的區別與種類,可參見Statutory Instruments Act 1992(Queensland)中的有關條款的說明。



[64]例如:paper boy報童(賣報之人);flower girl賣花女郎;ferry man艄公(在渡口工作的人);night man守夜人(晚上值夜之人);child bride童養媳(孩提時候便成為新娘);dog meat狗食(用於餵狗之肉);riot police並非“暴動警察”而是“防暴警察”。


[66]Statute Law Review,Volume32,Issue3,pp.186-208.


[68]參見:Section summary of the USA PATRIOT Act,Title II;以及:Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World trade Organization


[70]學生曾將其誤譯為“受送達人”(其英文應為who is to be served),送達人指送達文書之人。






[76]參見:Draft Minutes and decisions of EMSA Administrative Board of 25 03 2004



[79]在制定法律時,這種立法技術常用於將原本不同的行為按照相同的行為處理,或者說將原本不符合某種規定的行為也按照該規定處理同一種類的東西進行解釋,從而增加了理解難度。法律擬製這種立法技術,在一般人看來,無疑是荒誕的,正如Gibbons所說的“an apple,for the purposes of this section,is deemed to be a pear。”所以Tiersma認為,“From a descriptive stand-point,this is nonsense”。例如:“Court”includes every court and judge having jurisdiction in the case(Partnership Ordinance,Article 2),即“法院”包括法官,或者法院就等於法官。再如,“Day-old poultry”is deemed to be“any poultry of an age of 72hours or less”(New Zealand Poultry Act,1968),即根據該法律擬製,72-hour-old poultry仍可視為是day-old poultry;“A person is an individual,partnership,corporation,limited liability company,association,association,or other group,however organized”(Consumer Legal Remedies Act,California),在該例中,法律語境中的人包括人和機構,而在日常語言中,“人”是不能包括“公司”等機構的。



[82]其全文是:“We the people of the United States,in order to form a more perfect union,establish justice,insure domestic tranquility,provide for the common defense,promote the general welfare,and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

[83]其中的we類似漢語中的咱,我們,將聽話人涵蓋進來,如let’s go;孩子哭時,媽媽所說的“寶貝,咱不哭,啊!”,以及朱時茂和陳佩斯演的小品“陳小二”中的“咱爸”等表述,將聽話人與說話人之間的距離拉近而形成一種親密關係。




[87]Ohio州的法典修訂版中也使用的General provisions,參見:http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/gp;CHAPTER 168
COMMERCIAL PARTNERSHIPS ORDINANCE中也使用了該表述,參見http://www.justiceservices.gov.mt/DownloadDocument.aspx?app=lom&itemid=8688&l=1;此外,美國商法典(UCC)也使用的General provisions,如前所述,該法律並非官方所為,而是一些法律執業者的民間行為,故結合國際的一些經驗和慣例以使該法典更具操作性。參見:http://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/1/overview.html。


[89]我國法律法規並未對此單列條款名稱,否則可譯為“Section X Purposes;Legislative Basis.”




[93]不建議使用in order to,因其罕用於表示立法目的。作者曾對in order to的使用情況對多部英美法律進行檢索,發現在Criminal Code(R.S.C.,1985,c.C-46)中沒有一例使用,Trade Marks Act 1994以及其他一些國際性公約中都未使用該表述,35USC Patent中也只使用三處,而在馬拉喀什WTO協定、美國的多數法律中都使用seeking;with a view to;to不定式等。

[94]有學者因立法中使用This Act is designed and enacted..的表述而主張把enact與formulate一起並列使用,全面倒是全面了,但略顯囉嗦,畢竟這種並列結構在整個英美法系並不是主流。



[97]在英美法系,類似的表示目的或立法依據的行文亦多采取這種方式,只是往往將法律的制定者或發佈者表示出來。例如Ireland的Consumer Protection Code for Licensed Moneylenders(2009):Legislative Basis.-This Code is issued by and in the name of the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority(“the Financial Regulator”)under section 117of the Central Bank Act 1989and Section 8H(1)(f)of the Consumer Credit Act,1995(“the Act”).

[98]Elbert縣的立法中將立法根據(Authority)表述為:“The Elbert County Subdivision Regulations are authorized by Title 30,Article 28,Colorado Revised Statutes,1973,as amended,and is hereby declared to be in accordance with all provisions of these Statutes”,該表述頗有特色,即詳細地列明瞭該法的上位法,在翻譯時不妨效仿。




[102]Davies,Jack.Legislative Law and Process(2nd)[M].Beijing:Law Press,2005:167.


[104]Haggard,Thomas R.Legal Drafting[M].Beijing,Law Press,2004:268-273.





[109]A period of time described as beginning“from”a specified day,act,or event does not include that day or the day of the event or act unless a contrary intention appears.

[110]if an enactment is expressed to take effect from a particular day,the enactment takes effect at the beginning of the next day.

[111]A period of time prescribed as ending“before”a specified day,act,or event does not include that day or the day of the act or event(see section 35(4)of the Interpretation Act 1999).


[113]Concise Oxford English Dictionary[Z].Oxford University Press,2008.

[114]Flexner,Stuart Berg.Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary(special second edition)[Z].New York:Random House,1996:120

[115]參見:991.11Effective date of acts.Every act and every portion of an act enacted by the legislature over the governor’s partial veto which does not expressly prescribe the time when it takes effect shall take effect on the day after its date of publication as designated under s.35.095(3)(b)。(Wisconsin Legislature:Chapter 991;SEE:https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/991




[119]官方譯文和學者的譯文中都使用的是law,筆者譯為laws and regulations更合乎法律語言的特徵。關於“但書”的表述法,參見本書法律規則的邏輯結構中的有關章節。

[120]本書未如官方譯文那樣使用criminal act或如有的學者那樣使用criminal conduct(參見:騰超,孔飛燕.英漢法律互譯:理論與實踐[M].杭州:浙江大學出版社,2008:244.)而使用criminal offense,因美國刑法典Article 15Criminal Offense對該詞做了如下定義:“A criminal offense is an unlawful act:that is prescribed as c criminal offense by law;whose characteristics are specified by law;and for which a penalty is prescribed by law.”該規定對刑法中的“罪刑法定原則”(principle of legality)做了很好的詮釋。

[121]參見:Criminal Code 2002(Australia)


[123]該文本的官方譯本即採用的是“must abide by”,相關中文版和美國版也都使用的該模式。


[125]有人認為civil rights不應譯為“公民權利”而應譯為“人身權利”。參見:劉大生.不確當的命名——評《Civil權利和政治權利國際公約》,http://www.flrchina.com/research/law/001/law022.htm

[126]這種表述略顯囉嗦。其實可依據英美法系對法律的分類,即分為(1)Act;(2)statutory instrument(即議會授權其他機構制定的規則,也稱為delegated or subordinate legislation。這類法律在1946年Statutory Instruments Act 1946頒佈前稱為statutory rules and orders)(這類法律類似於美國聯邦政府的行政機構制定的federal regulations);(3)bye-laws(即由地方權力機構制定的法律。只是要注意,bye-laws(地方立法)這一表述常用於加拿大、英國以及一些英聯邦國家,在美國法律中一般使用“code,ordinance以及regulation”來表示地方立法。參見:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_the_Republic_of_Ireland#Secondary_legislation;http://law.duke.edu/lib/researchguides/english;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/By-law;李榮甫.法律英語教程(上)[M].成都:成都科技大學出版社,1994:23-26.




[130]布萊克詞典(1990年第6版,1099頁)將“sentence”定義為“[t]he judgment..imposing the punishment to be inflicted,usually in the form of a fine,incarceration,or probation”。美國的聯邦判決法(Federal sentencing law)中也一貫使用“sentence”一詞“to refer to the punishment actually imposed on a defendant”.參見:18 U.S.C.§§3551(b)and(c),3553(a),(b),(c),and(e),and 3554-3558。但是,儘管從技術層面而言該詞可包括各種刑事處罰,但司法界常用該詞表示處以“監禁”的處罰。參見:http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/sentence。











[141]參照Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT)Article 58Regulations的相關表述:“In the case of conflict between the provisions of the Treaty and those of the Regulations,the provisions of the Treaty shall prevail.”英國在Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women中的表述為“the United Kingdom declares that,in the event of a conflict between obligations under the present Convention and its obligations under the Convention concerning the employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds(ILO Convention No.45),the provisions of the last mentioned Convention shall prevail.”




